Hello everyone! I am looking to buy Spawn Statue #16, in Legacy, for $8.49. I will pay $5.5k per USD for it, making a total of $46,695. Also, I would like to keep it subscribed for as many months as possible. I would pay you $46,695 every month once you are charged by the shop for the subscription. I would like to go for the Subscriber Gold, which is 12 months, so you will receive the monthly payment until then or until I cancel. One stipulation: Due to the fact months cannot stack, the payment had to be tied to one card. Therefore, prepaid cards won't be accepted. Sorry. Please comment below letting me know what you will do, and we can negotiate from there in a Forum PM if I like the offer.
Sorry, cannot do 12 month long commitment. Thats too long as this 200usd im selling is my last for awhile
I wish you goodluck, I'm currently 3-4 months away from the gold medal and I didn't realize that once you bought it, it was like a subscription so every month it renews automatically which is pretty nice.
I have found someone who will do this deal! Thanks again! (you know who you are ) This will be locked shortly via forum report.