Construction on 7 World Trade Center is officially underway at Regalis' World Trade Center! This will be a very large building, 19 blocks by 45 blocks at its base, and 84 blocks high. I'm looking to buy two double chests of granite, and a double chest of black glass. Message me in game or reply here if you'd like to supply the granite or glass!
Whichever, the end use will be polished, but if u have unpolished, I can always polish it during the build
I think I have a double chest of polished granite somewhere. Will check that for you. Edit: Well, it's not exactly a whole double chest, but 47 stacks. I'd sell them to you if you still need them. Just pm me in game or on the forums if im not online
I'll definitely take what you have @Lurxolt For everyone else, I have sourced the glass for the building, so all that is still needed in regards to this ad is the granite
I can source all that you require, if you would set up a buy sign in game and forum PM me co-ords for when I get home from work tonight.