Minecraft Username: 314 Brief Description: Use flag prevents public/donation locks from being used. Instructions: 1. Have the use:deny flag 2. Lock a public/donation button/chest. How many times did you recreate this bug?: 2 times. @Benjalotte told me and we tested. Result: Not having permission to open a donation/public chest or use a button. Expected Result: LWC to override the town's use permissions. Evidence: N/A - easy to reproduce.
I'm also having a problem with making trade signs in a town with the use flag, @314 could you test to make sure it's not just me?
Tested. I can't make trade signs there either. However, on /rg i it looks like the town has an outdated use flag, as far as I know that is buggy. Ask a GA to change it to the new format. @xX3PICREBELXx
You were correct @314 , @nicit6 has fixed the town and I'm very grateful. Good luck finding a fix to your bug!
The whole point of the use flag is so that people without perms to the town cannot do things like open chests and doors...
Well, I would have expected that if you specifically mark one single chest as public, it would override the general flag. That's either a misconception of the use flag or a wrong expectation from the LWC users.