Minecraft Username: Nickla3107 Brief Description: /rg i in pvp arenas is broken Instructions: stand in a pvp arena and do /rg i How many times did you recreate this bug?: about 700 times before i gave up Result: screenshots attached, i tried in 2 different pvp arenas, (PVPisland and hungerarena) http://imgur.com/UrPfQTC,0CcUX2J#0 Expected Result To see the town info
but what if i dont know the region name? it didnt do it previously and would be better if pvp regions were just ignored on /rg i
derp, well still, its just annoying, there is no reason to know info on a pvp arena, its just logical that the actual town takes priority when using /rg i
The plugin itself is generic though, the plugin itself is meant for protecting areas, and areas are capable of overlapping, it would be silly if you couldn't figure out what region you're in, or if you're in multiple regions.