Summary/introduction A few days ago I realized that the tab list's rank entry (first row, second column) displayed as "Rank: ServerAdmin". This confused me because I was absolutely sure that it used to be "Rank: GameAdmin" before, i.e. using the proper rank colors. Other staff members told me that their rank was orange as well, but poke confirmed that the GA rank display does indeed use rank colors. Evidence (Special thanks to everyone who provided those screenshots, and to @MadMonster_ for helping me collect them.) Potential cause I have a theory about why this happens, but I decided to place it in a spoiler tag because it uses a lot of [CODE] blocks. Spoiler: My theory I assume ECC's ranks use the following color code formatting for its rank tags: Code: §f[Builder] §a[Resident] §2[Mayor] §6[President] §6[T§2y§6c§2o§6o§2n§6] §6[§a$§bEcoLeader§a$§6] §6[§a$$§3E§bc§3o§bM§3a§bs§3t§be§3r§a$$§6] §6[§a$$$§3EcoLegend§a$$$§6] §3[Moderator] §c[SuperMod] §c[§4G§came§4A§cdmin] §4[ServerAdmin] I suspect that the tab list plugin uses the content of the [Rank] tags and inserts them into a specific format: Code: §cRank: §6bracket_content Assuming that the plugin grabs everything within the braces, this is the content it would find: Code: §f[Builder] §a[Resident] §2[Mayor] §6[President] §6[T§2y§6c§2o§6o§2n§6] §6[§a$§bEcoLeader§a$§6] §6[§a$$§3E§bc§3o§bM§3a§bs§3t§be§3r§a$$§6] §6[§a$$$§3EcoLegend§a$$$§6] §3[Moderator] §c[SuperMod] §c[§4G§came§4A§cdmin] §4[ServerAdmin] Which then translates to the following ranks when inserted into the tab list's format: Code: §cRank: §6Builder §cRank: §6Resident §cRank: §6Mayor §cRank: §6President §cRank: §6T§2y§6c§2o§6o§2n§6 §cRank: §6§a$§bEcoLeader§a$§6 §cRank: §6§a$$§3E§bc§3o§bM§3a§bs§3t§be§3r§a$$§6 §cRank: §6§a$$$§3EcoLegend§a$$$§6 §cRank: §6Moderator §cRank: §6SuperMod §cRank: §6§4G§came§4A§cdmin §cRank: §6ServerAdmin The final result without color codes for increased readability: Code: Rank: Builder Rank: Resident Rank: Mayor Rank: President Rank: Tycoon Rank: $EcoLeader$ Rank: $$EcoMaster$$ Rank: $$$EcoLegend$$$ Rank: Moderator Rank: SuperMod Rank: GameAdmin Rank: ServerAdmin As we can see, this perfectly matches the screenshots. I assume that changing the default rank color from orange to (e.g.) §5 would affect the Builder-President (and staff) ranks as well as the Tycoon rank because the T's color tag is most likely located outside of the brace (§6[T)and therefore excluded. Suggested solutions 1. Strip all color codes from the rank before displaying it and show all ranks in orange. Disadvantage: Custom modification, looks terrible. 2. Modify the BTLP plugin to exclude brackets, but not their color prefix. Code: §f[Builder] §a[Resident] §2[Mayor] §6[President] §6[T§2y§6c§2o§6o§2n§6] §6[§a$§bEcoLeader§a$§6] §6[§a$$§3E§bc§3o§bM§3a§bs§3t§be§3r§a$$§6] §6[§a$$$§3EcoLegend§a$$$§6] §3[Moderator] §c[SuperMod] §c[§4G§came§4A§cdmin] §4[ServerAdmin] Disadvantage: Custom modification. 3. Preferred solution: Modify the rank config to include duplicate color codes after the bracket. Code: §f[§fBuilder] §a[§aResident] §2[§2Mayor] §6[§6President] §6[§6T§2y§6c§2o§6o§2n§6] §6[§a$§bEcoLeader§a$§6] §6[§a$$§3E§bc§3o§bM§3a§bs§3t§be§3r§a$$§6] §6[§a$$$§3EcoLegend§a$$$§6] §3[§3Moderator] §c[§cSuperMod] §c[§4G§came§4A§cdmin] §4[§4ServerAdmin]
Some ranks in the name are colour coded, use manwhois to confirm. Btlp happens to use the name and parse it
Thats exactly it. SA used to display as red when it had the &4 in the group name but when Andrew redid perms a while back he changed the group name and it's orange. tl;dr @314 not a bug for once
I actually forgot about that one, but I remember now. So it's basically what I suspected. I would expect that either all or no ranks use their proper colors, but not exclusively Tycoon+ and GA. I'd count it as a bug, that's why I decided to file this report in the first place. ...okay, okay, I see your point. Should I convert this thread to a suggestion and move it?