Minecraft Username: Ozzyblack21 Brief Description: Went to use /near in the end, on the Main Server. Says that "You do not have access to that command. Instructions: Go into the End, do /near. How many times did you recreate this?: 15+ times. Result: Says I don't have access to that command. Expected Result: For it to show me if anyone is near me or not. Evidence:
Don't know why it won't work for me, last I checked I have the VoidWalker rank, which means Unlimited /near, if not, the Voyager rank stills gives use of the command..
I just checked on the main server - end - and the command seemed to be working fine for me as well. Maybe your command is "/neartopink" ?
You only wish it was! But I've checked it on the main server, and in the nether, works fine for me. Just not the End, and I have not a clue as to why.
Just checked and I'm having the same issue, so my guess is that it's staff related, as I too have Void Walker.
This is now fixed. Please confirm @Ozzyblack21 @GeorgiaMC @DrowningInPizza Was an issue with my recent permissions conversion for the main servers and how it ties in to @STAFF-01 Moderator + ranks.