Thread title: /mctop doesn't work.. on the skyblock server. Minecraft Username: OlympiansAreGods Brief Description: When you type the command /mctop (Skillname) it repeatedly states 'You must wait 1 second before using this command again' Instructions: 1. Type /mctop swords for example. 2. Get the message. 3. (No step 3) How many times did you recreate this?: 4 times, with different skills. Other players also got the same result. Result: The command pops up in chat. Expected Result: For me to see who was in the top 10 for that skill. Evidence: N/A - Just takes a quick minute to see for yourself
Bug reports are not locked. There is indeed an issue with the message not showing a correct cooldown time. This is in the works to be fixed.
We are working on either fixing the message, or on fixing the actual reasoning behind making it 1 hour in the first place.