Minecraft Username: Ninjaboy3113 Brief Description: well, I tried to combine an efficiency 3 pickaxe with a fortune 2 pickaxe (both diamond) and it took my exp but did not give me the new tool, just kept both tools the same. I had just bought Ext Cmds and Ext Cmds+. If it is worth anything, The anvil Had a pt on it, don't know if that messed with it? Instructions: 1. Place an anvil (maybe with pt?) 2. Take 2 items and try to combine 3. takes exp but does not give combined item. How many times did you recreate this bug?: Twice, I tried to take the tool twice and it took the exp both times Result: No new combined tool Expected Result: new Combined tool Evidence:
Anvils are all goofed right now when you use 1.8. For now as a temp fix relog using 1.7.x to use them without any issues until we get this all fixed up.