Minecraft Username: FuryFudge Brief Description: When I bought Forum Premium I had access to "AD Styler" as well as "Colour Options", the "AD Styler" option seems to have disappeared. Instructions: 1. Have a forum premium account 2. Scroll down on the forums 3. "AD Styler" option doesn't appear How many times did you recreate this?: Every time I log onto the forums. Result: No AD Styler Expected Result: Yes AD Styler Evidence: This shows Andrewkm's post explaining AD Stylers and how they look/work: https://puu.sh/AimoL/76117f4f51.png https://puu.sh/Aimjq/aa2a107fe0.png https://puu.sh/Aimn5/679c47b6c9.png
Thanks Looks like our forum has a few style issues. Currently working with our style developers to fix this.