Minecraft Username: Natelev Brief Description: If a player is vanished in main, I can still PM them from another server such as skyblock, lobby, vmr or archive Instructions: 1. Get another player to vanish on the main server 2. Go to another server, such as skyblock/vmr/archive/lobby 3. PM the vanished player How many times did you recreate this?: Several times with various players in /v Result: It said "you are now talking to (player)", and I was able to message them. Expected Result: It should have said "player not found" because they were in /v Additional Information: I'm not sure what happens if the vanished player isn't in the main server. However, I'm assuming that the server each player is on doesn't matter, as long as the vanished player is on a different server to the player messaging them.
I will look into fixing this in the some-what near future. It is indeed possible to fix, just will take some time and quite a bit of testing . For now we will have to deal with it until I get some development time cleared up. Currently we are busy with other work.