Well as you may or may not know I build computers, mainly for myself and for friends. However these tend to be high end PCs. I have been asked by a family member to build them a PC with a budget of £300. Not knowing much about the best low-end components and well not being very good about keeping within a small budget I have thrown together what I think is a good low-end PC capable of performing all day to day tasks well and with the ability to play a few games. The build has come to £293.66 with only one problem, I cannot afford a decent case. Intel Core i3 3245 2nd Generation CPU - £109.41 Gigabyte B75M-D3H mATX Motherboard - £54.09 Corsair CMZ4GX3M1A1600C9 1x4GB 1600MHz DDR3 Vengeance Memory - £30.43 Western Digital 1TB internal Hard Drive - Caviar Blue - £50.50 Corsair Builder Series CX 430 Watt 80 PLUS Bronze PSU - £35.62 LiteOn IHAS120-04 20x SATA Super AllWrite Internal Half-Height DVDRW - £12.63 Other costs - £0.98 Money left for case - £6.34 I have looked over it and can't decide where best to cut back. I need at least £20 for a case. And hope that one of you many clever people can come up with a solution for me . In case you were wondering I decided to forget about a GPU and opt for the best integrated graphics I could get from an i3 processor.
You aren't really going to go anywhere with a $460 USD computer isn't really helpful. ps: you need more parts such as a videocard/grahpics card, stoarge, memory, est. without really a grahpics card you wont be really running
storagr is there, as is memory and intel hd 4000 graphics is as good as an amd 6000 series video card. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
What is this PC going to be used for? rockboy2000 and where do you get your items from in Great Britain? Also AMD APU is your answer for better integrated GPU. Also you can usually get a Case/Powersupply combo for not alot of money.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks CPU: AMD A6-5400K 3.6GHz Dual-Core Processor ($64.94 @ Amazon) Motherboard: ASRock FM2A75 Pro4 ATX FM2 Motherboard ($85.97 @ Newegg) Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 4GB (2 x 2GB) DDR3-1866 Memory ($43.99 @ Newegg) Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($59.99 @ NCIX US) Case: Logisys CS206BK ATX Mid Tower Case w/480W Power Supply ($36.97 @ Outlet PC) Optical Drive: Asus DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer ($18.49 @ Amazon) Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 (OEM) (64-bit) ($89.98 @ Outlet PC) Total: $400.33 (Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.) (Generated by PCPartPicker 2013-07-25 18:03 EDT-0400)
American prices are a lot cheaper due to VAT and the fact that UK retailers can get away with charging more. So that PC you suggested would cost around £400. Either way, I have ordered the parts after moving to a CiT PSU I could afford a fairly good case. Thanks anyway
I know American prices are a lot cheaper that's why I ask where you shop in Great Britain that way I could use those prices.. What did you end up building?
Agreed... the A10-6800K Integrated Graphics Can run skyrim on Medium settings in 1920x1080... not bad at all... not bad at all
I am going to get a tiny computer for $35. Thus contains all the computer stuff. Then i will buy a good monitor maybe 2 screens. A keyboard and a awesome mouse. It should be under like $100. This computer is horribly slow. Its called the Raspberry PI. I am just going to use it for 1 function probably, running a server. Its going to be crap. Using mcedit to load the chunks. 2-3 people. Ok enough server talk violating rules. But anyways it should be coming soon during when I am away for 4 nights
I may get another PI to make it dual and do some sort of connection. Keyboard should cost less then $40 mouse should be like $20. So $95. Then monitor ok so maybe like $150 or so. I could use this old one I have. I will try to upgrade the processor to get a little more power and get a better ram chip.