Minecraft Name: Capbo_ Suggestion: Bring back colored nametags that show your rank like this: Reason: Why tf not? it looks nice af Any Other Information: thx @appleprocucling Link To This Plugin/Is this a custom addition?:
I remember reading an announcement in 2014 or 2015 at some point - if I recall correctly the thread stated that the API changed and those tags might never return again. So, to answer the question: "Because it broke a long time ago and was expected to never work again, although I don't know whether that is still the current status."
The API changed and broke a lot of stuff. This is a huge protocol hack and simply isn't a good thing to do on a server. The original plugin/code 's support was dropped and won't be picked up again. Definitely not something we're willing to fiddle with for such a small change.