Bluclose Economic Solutions - Providing economic solutions for a better ECC As the companies motto implies, the BES is meant to provide economic solutions to town owners, CEO's, and even your average citizen, wether it be smarter material collection and use, or smarter production lines, we have a solution for you. BES is a manufacturing / building company, however, we have great interest in the banking market as well, once we achieve 10 million, we will provide loans under 50k to all who wish to take one. BES however, cannot achieve our goals without starting funds, or a HQ, our HQ takes 6 towny plots, and is a sky scraper that will house employees euipmemt , testing facilities, and many other things. Early inverters can receive 25% discounts based on their investments for 1 year ( You are not buying shares!), as well as insider information. Thank you for your time, and I hope you'll enjoy watching BES grow as much as I will! -zeeman706