Designed By Mission001 Welcome! As you can see by the title, this is BigTime Loans! I currently do loans, sales, and more. If you are interested in any of the items/loans below, please comment below! Spoiler: Items For Sale 1. Bane of Arthropods IV sword 2. Flame 1 ebook 3. Protection 3 dhelm 4. Projectile Protection IV, Thorns 2 Dchestplate 5. Lapkingkn's Head 6. Unbreaking 1 dshovel 7. Protection 1 Dchestplate 8. Dhelm 9. Dchestplate 10. Fire Protection 1, Unbreaking 1 Gleggings 11. Dboots 12. Dleggings 13. Sharpness 1 Ssword 14. Power 3 Bow 15. Protection 1 Ileggings 16. Max Silk Pick (Efficiency V, Unbreaking III, Silk Touch I Dpick) 17. Projectile Protection IV, Power IV, Efficiency IV Ebook 18. Instant Health Potion 19. Feather Falling I Iboots 20. Protection IV Thorns II Dchestplate 21. Instant Health Potion 22. Efficiency IV, Unbreaking III Dpick 23. Speed II potion 24. Protection IV, Aqua Infinity I Dhelm 25. Protection IV Dchestplate 26. Protection IV Dleggings 27. Feather Falling IV Protection IV Dboots 28. Smite I dsword 29. Smite I, Unbreaking Dsword 30. Smite II Dsword 31. Sharpness I Isword 32. Sharpness I Isword 33. Sharpness I Isword 34. Smite II Dsword 35. Sharpness II Dsword 36. Bane of Arthropods I Dsword 37. Bane of Arthropods I Dsword 38. Bane of Arthropods IV Dsword 39. Sharpness I Ssword Spoiler: Loan Information 1. You will have to pay back # taken out times 1.35 (Example: 100,000x1.35= 135,000 Payback) 2. Late fees will be 4k Extra per day. 3. After a week of being late, a complaint will be filed. 4. Once Back, you must pay back the extra money. 5. Pick a payback time of your choice, I will comment on it. 6. I will either accept or deny your Applications for loans. 7. You will have to pay into a trade sign. Spoiler: Loan Application 1. What Is your IGN?: 2. Ranks/Donation Features?: 3. How much do you want to take out?: 4. Have you ever been banned?: 5. If so How many times?: 76 Have you ever gotten a loan before, if so, how much?: 7. Reason for Loan?: 8. When will you have the money payed back?: Do you agree to the Rules/Information given?: Spoiler: Other/More 200x200 Town with 200x15 farm, very little structures. Current Money to loan out: 44k
1. What Is your IGN?: ASG_FTW 2. Ranks/Donation Features?: MAYOR, I HAVE TP+, SG KITS, MULTI-HOME 3. How much do you want to take out?: 80K 4. Have you ever been banned?: yes 5. If so How many times?: 1 6.If so what for?: [modedit] 7. Have you ever gotten a loan before, if so, how much?: no 8. Reason for Loan?: my town Do you agree to the Rules/Information given?: yes
1. What Is your IGN?: ASG_FTW 2. Ranks/Donation Features?: MAYOR, I HAVE TP+, SG KITS, MULTI-HOME 3. How much do you want to take out?: 80K 4. Have you ever been banned?: yes 5. If so How many times?: 1 6.If so what for?: [modedit] 7. Have you ever gotten a loan before, if so, how much?: no 8. Reason for Loan?: my town Do you agree to the Rules/Information given?: yes 9. How long will you need to pay me back?: 3 weeks 10: How much will you pay me back?: 120k