Xx_PvP_D3mOn_xX I was banned for having multiple accounts and xray modding. But correction i DID have multiple accounts but since i got banned the first time for xray modding i couldent handle it i needed the server it addicting so i BOUGHT A NEW ACCOUNT and un-installed ALL my mods and got back on the server i was having a great time and was about to donate like 50 bucks as soon as i got resident so i got 15k and i was being good i didnt use any mods for it and was happy so i applied for resident and szlky accepted me into his town and it was the best server and i didnt even know how or why i got banned except multiple account but i was trying to be good because i love the sever and i dont know what else to say.... please unbann me ill do anything i love it please!
also i forgot the evidence ask skylord_chief and lukie1000 and nadimk9 and szlky i told them how i got banned the first time and it sucked so i uninstalled my mods...