Username: DJ9448 Reason for getting banned: Swearing at player Counter reason: He was getting pissed at me and another player for "stealing his wood" even though we didn't touch his woodand then he got me banned from my own house so i can't do anything
I was not upset until he called me "a fucking retard" son is mentally challenged and it makes me angry when someone has to disrespect other players like that. I am upset that him and his friend took the wood from my chest, but I did not remove their building perms, one of the mayors did that because dj9448 griefed my house. I put in a grief report on the forums, but I just wanted to know who did it because I didnt feel the grief was bad enough to warrant a ban. When the report came back that it was dj9448 that had griefed, I took the report to the mayor, who removed DJ's perms. I had told the mayor that DJ9448 and ZINOBC2010 had been caught stealing from one of my chests before (my fault for not locking it, it was SIOS that checked and found that they were the ones that stole from my chest), the mayor agreed to remove perms for the act of griefing, and would re-instate perms after DJ contacted him. I told the mayor as well that I would look past the whole griefing thing if they would just give me my items back. Later on when DJ got online, he proceeded to get upset, saying "Fuck you" directed at me, and then as stated before, called me a "fucking retard" which is highly offensive to me. You can check all of this in the logs, I have nothing to hide, and am more upset than anything at the verbal abuse.
I am sorry that i swore at you (zgreenside) i was really mad because i was not the only who greifed the second time, ZINOBC2010 helped me but do not punish him. yes it was my fault i got myself banned. In my defense, how am i supposed to know you have a mentally challenged son? I was thinking that you were just another kid who would just take the insult. i guess i was pretty stupid to say that without thinking. I am dearly sorry i offended you in a personel way, it was not intended to offend you like that. But I also said this because you (zgreenside) were mad at us for stealing your wood even though we didn't steal it, we also gave all the stuff back that we took (flowers and Saplings)