ign ipkedyormom reason using hack client evidence video counter evidence none explination i never was using hack client my computer was just lagging and the chest wouldent open and i lagged and turned and it freeked me out to
first. How did you break the leaves so fast?, how were you hitting while in the chest?, and when i walked by you in Austins video why did you just randomly turn and start hitting?
i was lagging hard core during that game so i was just swinging at every thing becuse i couldent see and i didnt break the leaves fast that is normall speed
Based on the evidence in the video, your evidence and explination are not valid. Submit another appeal when you are ready to take responsibility for your actions. Due to the seriousness of the incident I would highly recommend you take your time and think about what you are going to say prior to doing so. *Denied & Locked*