[Ban Appeal]

Discussion in 'Ban Appeal Archive' started by icondigi, Jun 21, 2013.

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  1. icondigi

    icondigi Mayor
    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ II ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Oct 3, 2012
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    Minecraft Username : Icondigi
    Reason: I was banned for Loan scamming .
    Counter Reason: Tommy_t had loaned me $75k and had given me 7 days ( a Week ) to repay the loan , today on the 6th day I was banned for not re-paying the loan , Nor did he ask me about it talk to me about it or approach me asking me on my progress:


    I have adleast two days left to repay the loan two tommy_t but were not given a full two days , to repay the rest of the money , I will work towards making the money and I am nearly reaching the amount due , Until the ban . I am sorry that you may have thought I was loan scamming but I honestly am and was working towards getting the money.

    Evidence :[​IMG]
  2. KMaxwell

    KMaxwell Crazy Cat Lady that Crochets
    EcoLegend ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ III ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 24, 2012
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  3. icondigi

    icondigi Mayor
    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ II ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Oct 3, 2012
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    Unfortnatley I do no have screenshots to the deal between us , because it was over Minechat , I did get my computer back from the repair shop untill wednesday , and to the complaint I will respond to now.
  4. KMaxwell

    KMaxwell Crazy Cat Lady that Crochets
    EcoLegend ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ III ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 24, 2012
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    Tommy_T do you have specifics regarding the deal/arrangement with icondigi?
  5. Tommy_T

    Tommy_T ECC Sponsor
    ECC Sponsor Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Oct 8, 2011
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    I made it very clear to you Icon after giving you the money on sunday (18th) that you had until the end of the next working week (Monday 17th - Friday 21st). I also touched base with you about the loan on thursday night (20th) after you again were in conversation with a user over your previous scamming history which you have been warned numerous times not to discuss, at that time you hadn't made any progress. When I told you "to go do something productive" you said "like what?" to which I responded "like working to repay your loan". You blew me off and said why bother "I cant sell things because everyone says I'm a scammer". I told you that it wasn't my problem in fact my exact words were

    "Your Problem > My Problem"

    You then said "Tommy T doesn't care about anyone" despite me being the only reason you weren't banned 2 weeks ago. and then again 2 weeks before that. As of last night Friday 21st 10:30pm of your own time zone, you had not paid back the loan nor had you made any inroads to doing so. you had been offline for several hours your bal remained the same and you had not given me any positive updates on the status of your loan nor had you left me any message through someone else, ingame mail, pm's on the forum or in skype.

    No money paid, No money in bal, No positive updates, No messages asking for an extension.

    I told you that I would give you no chances since the loan was only given in order for you to avoid the ban of not repaying someone else who had loaned you money so that you wouldn't be banned the week before that. You have technically had 2 weeks to gather this money to pay back your original loan. You have had loans outstanding for the past 4 weeks+. As far as "reforming" your behaviour here I see nothing but the same old Icondigi living week to week off the good graces of other peoples money. It's also interesting to note that your skype name has changed to "quit ecc like a baws" why is that? After watching all of these loans and your history of scamming I took it upon myself as a GameAdmin to make sure that this stopped or got better. The number of builders and residents you have had a negative impact on is ridiculous let alone which ever mayors or presidents should have known better. Which is why I loaned you the money since you have a track record and I hoped you would change. Which just as your history suggested you have not. This loan was a litmus test for your actions and it has only reinforced standing notions of your behaviour. You leave nothing positive in your wake. After all these months and you not changing this was the final straw Icon I told you it was coming I told you this was your last chance and I told you if you didn't change you were going to be banned. I made sure with you on Sunday that you knew the ramifications and you told me you understood.

    That is why you are banned and that is why you are becoming less and less welcome on this server. All I can suggest Icon is that you change, quickly. You asked me how you could change and I told you. We discussed it for more than an hour in skype and you haven't made an effort to change in any of those ways. The patience of the staff team as a whole wears thin as far as you're concerned and we won't tolerate habitual scammers. You're going to need a much more convincing appeal than this for us to even consider letting you back on the server.

    Appeal Denied
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