elbatta here I have been disconnectied by spam I would greatly like to play beacause the other places i play aint that really good And this tives in economy i like the server And i want to rejoin Please let me in I did not mean to insult the server i wanted to suggest that they needed Donations for server upgrades I didnt bag it i was being a douchebag for Andrew Kickening me and that lead back to the spam Im sorry and i want to come back in Thanks, Elbatta
Minecraft Username: elbatta Reason: I said that the server need upgrade an andrew banned me Counter-Reason: i was just suggesting bcause i had mass lagg Could i please be let in asap Evidence:I have no evidence in photo but andrew knows Ask him Thanks for looking at my appeal Sorry
Not to steal a mod's job or anything but that might not be the reason you were banned. A user filed a grief report against you recently.
K i got my brother to spill he did grief and i shall retun the item i have my brother doing my washing for 5 weeks And Whatever town it is i will return this table to the person