[Ban Appeal]

Discussion in 'Ban Appeal Archive' started by DeMacca, Dec 21, 2014.

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  1. DeMacca

    DeMacca Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jan 22, 2014
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    [Username] DeMacca

    [Reason of Ban] Submitting editted evidence, and use of a hacked client.

    [Rule violated]
    Section 6 - Hacking, Exploits and Unfair Play
    Clause 1 - Hacking and Hacked Clients
    • Fly, speed, air build, teleport hacking, or any other types of hacks, are not tolerated. This includes x-ray hacking and x-ray texture packs. Using any unfair means (including glitches, bugs, and exploits) to get into server buildings is also not allowed and is unfair to other users.
    • Using any clients, specifically hacked clients, which may allow you to gain unfair advantages as deemed by ECC staff is strictly prohibited.
    • Users caught using any client deemed to be a "hacked client", as defined by and at the discretion of the staff, will be banned. There is no excuse for using a hacked client on EcoCityCraft whatsoever.
    • Discussion of hacked clients is not allowed - we do not allow them, and therefore we do not discuss them.
    [Explain in your own words what that rule means] Not to hack, or to use any form of hacked client or to edit out screen-shots so that the screen-shot does not show the hacked client.

    [Additional Info] I am extremely sorry, I thought I was better then the staff team, yet the staff team have proved their experience once again. Sorry, it will not happen again. As of the school year I have had finals, exams assignments and what-not. I was extrememly inactive and thought that I would be able to slip it past the staff team. Over these past 5 days Ive been banned I have had lots of time to think about my mistakes. You can take my word: It will not happen again.
  2. Dewsy92

    Dewsy92 Ex-Staff Team Troll
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Sep 17, 2013
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    Your actions were not acceptable in anyway whatsoever. Firstly, using a hacked client is strictly prohibited but then to edit screenshots to try and slip it past staff makes it even worse.

    I am going to be unbanning you but with a 4 day tempban. This is made up of 3 days for using a hacked client and an additional day for the editing. I have taken note of the fact that the evidence wasn't edited in a way to influence a complaint and/or fake evidence.

    I hope that you are correct in saying that you won't repeat these actions again.

    DeMacca given 4 day tempban.
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