Minecraft Username: xX3PICREBELXx Reason of Ban: You have been asked to stop, abusing caps/mild trolling Rule violated: Clause 1.1 - CAPS and Spam Bypassing our CAPS filter and/or typing in all caps is not allowed. Spam is not allowed. Repetitive words, letters, symbols that aren’t used in their correct context, or many messages sent quickly are considered spam. Clause 2 - Trolling This rule is super simple. Don’t be a troll, and especially don’t troll others away from the server. Please look up “Troll (Internet)” for a more comprehensive definition. This includes flaming or attempts to start any form of chaos and discord within the server. Please explain in your own words what the rule(s) means: Caps and spam is to make sure chat just doesn't become annoying especially spam. Trolling is simple as it states, don't troll. I'd say the rule I broke is attempting to start chaos, this is there to stop chat going kaboom like it just did. Reason you feel you think you should be unbanned: Chat got rowdy and people just began arguing with the mods. I'd been a couple of hours prior to the ban not to troll/caps. Then a user made a thread on the forums which has since been removed and then I began to mess about in game about it. This lead to me saying in global in block capitals something to do with the thread, I doubt you want me to quote it since the thread got removed. After this MonsterOmen banned me for not stopping, which I guess is justifiable but not neccesarily fair. The reason I used caps was because at the time chat was filled with players and mods flying insults at eachother like a snowball fight, and of course I wanted my snowball to be the biggest. Normally I don't think the mods would've banned me, keep in mind I hadn't been warned for a couple of hours and I wasn't the only one using caps in chat. I believe that the atmosphere in chat had something to do with why I was banned, players were getting rowdy and I guess I may have come across as a figurehead to why it was happening. That I am sorry for, I didn't mean to make people insult mods and stuff, I was just messing around like I normally am. I feel like the mods were being abnormally uptight, every single mistep to any player in chat recieved a stern warning, jokes were being seen as malicious not comical, overall it just wasn't a nice place to be for any player on the server. I've been back here for a month and have hardly stepped out of line, I don't want one little thing to go mess this all up.
Hello, @xX3PICREBELXx. After talking this over with the ServerAdmins, we have decided to unban you. You were banned on a rather frustrating moment for both the staff members and the players. After further investigation, we have realised that you shouldn't have been banned we apologise for the inconvenience. We shouldn't have banned you, but trolling is not allowed and I would like you to understand that. This ban may have been false, but trolling will not be tolerated on EcoCityCraft. If you have any questions, feel free to forum PM me. Unbanned.