[Ban Appeal] xboyfernz

Discussion in 'Ban Appeal Archive' started by xboyfernz, Jan 2, 2018.

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  1. xboyfernz

    xboyfernz Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Prestige ⭐ II ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    May 23, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name:
    Have you changed your Minecraft username since being banned? If so, what is your previous name:
    Which of ECC's services are you banned on:
    Reason of Ban:
    Retarded complaint, Trolling, Immaturity, Being an idiot.
    Rule Violated:
    Clause 2 - Trolling
    Trolling is not allowed on the server, especially any trolling that is directed towards another user. This includes, but is not limited to:
    Flame baiting
    Harassment (See Section 2 Clause 3.)
    Attempts to start any form of chaos and discord within the server.
    Please explain in your own words what the rule(s) means:
    This rule means that you shouldnt create any unnecessary drama.
    Reason you feel you think you should be un-banned:
    Ill start off by saying happy new year and what a year its been already. I didn't do this to earn positive ratings why would I do that. I'm not the kind of person that does all that postive ratings and medals on forums. Also it was on a alt account so it wouldn't help me in any way. I did that complaint to try to get US2 banned (didn't work btw) and no other reason I didn't realise that he was saying it to zr as a joke because I didn't see zr reply with anything in global so I filed a complaint because I like this server and wanted to help it. I didn't think it was a troll complaint, but others did and it created a whole load of ratings. I didn't even like the fact that people were rating it potato because that kind of symbolises that it's a joke or that they don't like it.

    I do realise that I shouldn't have bypassed my forum ban, but I thought it was a simply case of doing the wrong thing for the right reason.

    I know I have a bumpy past on ECC, but this was an honest mistake. I am truly sorry that I caused such a fuss and wasted staff's valuable time doing that complaint. I shouldn't have filed that complaint any way I was a 3rd party and it had nothing to do with me, I had a feeling that it would backfire and it was a waste of not only my time, but your time. If I do get unbanned I will go about my business.

    Before I was banned I was developing my town and helping new players out and trying to be kind. Then I made this complaint out of spite and now all the good I did doesn't matter. If I'm unbanned I will try not to cause any drama. This was a terrible mistake I made and I understand why I was banned. I will now ask staff before I make complaints to ensure I never make this silly mistake again. I would like to personally apologise to United as this was unnecessary and just caused problems. I apolgise in advance for the potatoes that will be generated from this appeal.

    Thank you for taking the time for reading my appeal.
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    #1 xboyfernz, Jan 2, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2018
  2. 314

    314 Irrational SuperMod, former ServerAdmin
    SuperMod EcoLegend ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Prestige ⭐ VI ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 1, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Hello @xboyfernz,

    I've decided to accept this appeal as you appear to have learned your lesson; please don't repeat this in the future.
    Seeing as you've been banned for 13 days I'm going to unban you without a tempban.

    ~Status: Unbanned.
    • Potato Potato x 3
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