In Game Name: Wow___Have you changed your Minecraft username since being banned? If so, what is your previous name: I don't recall, as this is the first time I have been on in a long while.Which of ECC's services are you banned on: Main ServerReason of Ban: ScammingRule Violated: Loan Scamming several users.Please explain in your own words what the rule(s) means: This is a very self explanatory ban reason, using other players money in your benefit, and not being able to fulfill your agreement. Mine was to re-pay a few users a deep amount of eco dollars, and I could not and my apologies to @ThomasVerth , @Imabankthing , and others I may have caused issues with.Reason you feel you think you should be un-banned: I am not going to sit here and beg to be unbanned, I have definitely matured. I've been a user of the server for quite a while, not the longest, but I sure do know how things run around here. Yes, I was a troll and a big risk-taker in the past as many know about my gambling addictions, but there was no benefit as we can all look at where it got me. I will become more active and make an effort to pay my debts and can easily arrange payments. Thank you for reading this, and again I am sorry to those who were affected, but you will get your money back just applied to change it, felt like I should leave it here for any questions. Thanks.
Thanks for deciding to appeal @FazeAmerican , I'm just tagging the @Game Admin team as they will be processing the appeal.
@FazeAmerican You're no stranger to debt, you owe quite a bit of money. I'm going to be setting you checkpoints for you to be meeting to stay on track of this debt. You will probably be starting with almost nothing now, since its been well 8-9 months since you were banned. You owe; @LJKAzrael 1.16mill @blackbelt4eva 175k @Nicit6 2.2mill @ThatKidArshi 135k I'm aware that you have forum premium, so you are able to transfer the money to the people you owe if you cannot find them in-game. Let that be no excuse to not making your payments on-time. Spoiler: Debt Schedule 1,160,000 to @LJKAzrael 420k by December 8th 420k by Jan 5th 290k by Jan 26th 175k to @blackbelt4eva 175k by Feb 9th 2,200,000 to @Nicit6 420k by March 9th 420k by April 6th 420k by May 4th 420k by June 8th 420k by July 6th 120k by July 13th 135,000 to @ThatKidArshi 135k by July 23rd You are of course welcome to pay off users early, I encourage it. But here is your schedule otherwise. Unbanned