Dearest ecocitycraft , This Morning at 7:35am my account was hacked dont know who don't know how I just was unable to access it , now I have no clue who did but all I know is there very smart and know the things if ecocitycraft , they've been watching me closely , So today I tried logging in this morning before I head of to work and it says login failed username and password stuff like that , so I wondering hmm? This is odd? So I just left it and went of to work , later today I get a text from icon saying we have been both banned from ecc I have no idea why I logged on and it says I am bypassing your ban . I reply to his text , I haven't been on today nor for a couple of days how could I be banned , icon had no clue either , now I understand what happens on my account is my responsibility , but I would just like some staff members to investigate this , I had no idea what was going is going on but I would just like someone to explain to me what is going on my ban reason says admitting to donation scamming now I would like to tag some users that know me quite well and they should know I donation scam Solstice18, @dankeris I can not buy donations due to the fact that I just purchased a large item irl , the fact I would be banned for such thing disappoints me I don't know how much was scammed nor what was scammed exactly but I just want someone to tell me what's going on. I know this isn't in the right format , though that format can not let me explain. I will fill in that format if needbe. Sincerely Selloy. Added : also I have talked to icon about this as we share an IP and a computer sometimes he had informed me he has nothing to do with this . I would like to know the user who did this.