[Ban Appeal] SamTheDog123

Discussion in 'Ban Appeal Archive' started by SamTheDog123, Jun 27, 2013.

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  1. SamTheDog123

    SamTheDog123 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 11, 2013
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    Minecraft Username: SamTheDog123

    Reason: Spam,Harassment & Discussion of Touchy Subjects.

    Counter-Reason:I was just having a rough day, and the reason for the spam/harassment was for someone ( starleana ) aggravated me cause all she does is spell words WRONG on purpose so I spammed her with paying 0.01 and the other thing was for a discussion me and another kid had about Osama Bin Laden and I am very sorry for spamming her with money and I assure you it will not happen again and also for discussing about he who should not be named and I just wanna have a great time on ECC with my friends.

  2. Pab_Jr

    Pab_Jr Former Staff Member
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jan 13, 2012
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    Hello Samthedog,

    I am glad that you wish to return to our server, and hope that your day is much better now. Please remember not to take out anger on users when possible, as it can always result in events occurring that could cause harm to your gameplay.

    I was the Moderator who banned you, and handled the last few complaints against you, and you had been warned beforehand about spamming with Tpa requests and that it was not allowed. After you decided to continue with addition of all the subjects you spoke about in chat it was discussed that we would need to take some sort of action. I want you to review all our servers rules, especially those on Harassment, spamming, and touchy subject, which will be quoted below. The rules can also be found here.

    Next, after you were banned ingame you decided to take out your anger on the forums. I will be quoting a few of the Forum rules below just so that you can review them aswell.

    (Highlighted red are those that you had broke)

    Ban appeal left unlocked for a SuperMod+ to review.
    #2 Pab_Jr, Jun 27, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2013
  3. generaljoecool

    generaljoecool Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Feb 15, 2012
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    Hello Samthedog123,

    I was one of the supermods on when the majority of these recent incidents happened and I will say it caused quite a commotion. When you were going on in the server chat we tried to be lenient and I myself told you at least three times to take a break to calm down, however the issue was being pressed, and the Staff Team was forced to take action. From a quick review of the forum posts, there were three valid complaints posted against you within the time frame of an hour. Among that your behavior on the forums after you got banned was horrific and lead to your forum account getting a few day ban to cool down.

    Now this current ban in-and-of itself is pretty hard to recover from and would result in a long temp-ban, however this is far from your first ban, and your last appeal was sent to Wewinagain to be reviewed. This shows that you have not learned your lesson from your previous bans, and what is to make the server believe this time will be different? How long will your good behavior last this time until you decide you can push the rules again and end up repeating what has happened, in my opinion, far too many times.

    With the above being said, and the rules that pbrassat17 has nicely quoted for you, shows how many rules just this ban covered, not to mention all of your previous ones. I am going to require you to appeal to Serveradmin Wewinagain as the punishment that you need to receive is outside of my jurisdiction can only be issued by him. I wish you the best of luck on appealing to him again as your last time doing so has not seem to teach you your lesson.

    Appeal denied -- Appeal directly to Serveradmin Wewinagain.
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