In Game Name: ridebuilder575Have you changed your Minecraft username since being banned? If so, what is your previous name: NoWhich of ECC's services are you banned on: DiscordReason of Ban: Unsure what it wasRule Violated: Again unsurePlease explain in your own words what the rule(s) means: UnsureReason you feel you think you should be un-banned: I didn't even do anything wrong. i changed the subject when i was asked to
You were told to change the subject, then argued and flamed a_man about the fact that you had changed the subject, then continued to provoke Magiix after I told you to stop, and then insulted me. I warned you that if you continued trolling you would be banned from discord. I also warned you that your actions on discord can affect how we handle your main server ban appeal. I'm denying this, as well as your other appeal. You haven't learnt to stop trolling, and you still have issues that need to be sorted out.