In Game Name: NYgiants4dawinHave you changed your Minecraft username since being banned? If so, what is your previous name: NoWhich of ECC's services are you banned on: MainReason of Ban: Bypassing banRule Violated: Clause 2 - Multiple AccountsPlease explain in your own words what the rule(s) means: This Rule means that Alts/other people are allowed to play, if it isn't for finacial gain and alts from a ban account will be banned and all the other accounts ban cannot be lifted unless the account that has played the longest in ecc (main account) is Unbanned first.Reason you feel you think you should be un-banned: before i start, i have no clue what rule i broke since i am new to this server so i referred the one i think best fits this predicament. I have no proof but, I am not an alt of Giant_leader! i have no clue you think i am but i am not. As well, i have no clue how too fix this issue since I have no idea what brought this up. If i know how maybe i can find some proof that can back me up. Thank you for hearing me out have a nice day
awww so kind , I also want to state that, I owe @SunPrince $60,000 ECD in a couple of days. I don't want to get banned for scamming while banned for this. Especially, when i have the money in my balance. Is it possible a mod can take 60k from me and give it to @SunPrince? i really appreciate it if someone can do that for me. I don't want to scam someone, that's just the wrong thing to do. They worked hard for the money. Thank you so kindly ECC
You share the same IP as Giant_Leader on the lobby and on the forums. It's pretty clear that you're bypssing his ban. If you hadn't joined the main server, you would've been fine since scamming is not considered a cross server offense (it is server specific). This is also why you weren't banned on the lobby with your Giant_Leader account. You cannot appeal on the main server until your main account has been unbanned.