In Game Name: mmmkaythanksHave you changed your Minecraft username since being banned? If so, what is your previous name: My previous username, when I was banned was "AceWolf1098".Which of ECC's services are you banned on: Server MainReason of Ban: Inappropriate and rude language.Rule Violated: Section 4, Chat, Channel & Discussion Clause 2 and Clause 3.Please explain in your own words what the rule(s) means: I DID break those two rules. If I remember, I had cursed out a moderator because I was upset about Eco City's purchase of AEM. I understand that Clause 2 and 3 can be offensive if used in an inappropriate manner, such as the way I used them.Reason you feel you think you should be un-banned: I was banned in May of '17 I believe, after Eco bought AEM. I was upset, and got mad at a Moderator. I shouldn't have done this, and would like to apologize to all of you at Eco for my actions. These won't happen again, and I hope to have a good time at Eco, since it seems I am hitting it off quite well with members already.
I do understand how this could be upsetting, and I do appreciate your remorse However, do keep in mind for the future, that this isn't an excuse for inappropriate behaviour. I am going to be unbanning you, but I would strongly suggest having a look at the rules again. It's been a while since you played, and a refresher never hurts Welcome back! User Unbanned