Minecraft Username: knears2000 Reason of Ban: Trolling/Discussion of Drugs in chat Rule violated: Please explain in your own words what the rule(s) means: To not troll to cause discord/chaos within the server. Do not discuss touchy subjects (i.e. drugs, politics), as this may cause discord or chaos within the server. Reason you feel you think you should be unbanned: If you go back to the time I was banned, I was speaking philosophically. To my knowledge, philosophy is not banned, right (correct me if I am wrong, and evidence must be provided)? To further defend myself as this being a wrongful ban, the ideals of pot being a drug is highly philosophical. Pot is a herb, but others argue it being a drug. Hence my philosophical ideals on the subject. I was not trying to cause discord or chaos, just a philosophical debate. I was speaking to nicit6, and solely nicit6. I was not warned to stop speaking, which is what I'm enraged about. If I had indeed received a warning, please tell me, as I lagged out during the conversation. Hell, I even asked if I was warned, I stated "what did I miss". I did not receive a response. So I kept speaking. As well, it was originally a temporary ban. No warning and I received a temporary ban. Fine, I can agree with that to an extremely minimal extent as I will still have access to the server itself after the time allotted. However, it was then changed to a ban. Why? Who knows. It's not right. If you're going to ban me, fine. But, I did not receive fair warning. Cops don't shoot at suspects without giving the perpetrator fair warning, the same should be done here. Trolling Section: I honestly don't know how I was trolling. I was simply philosophically speaking in terms of the issue at hand. I was not trying to troll at all, I was trying to have a philosophical conversation. I apologize for the misunderstanding.
Well.. where do I begin. Firstly, you know that any discussion of drugs is banned. You were arguing with Nicit that you should be able to discuss it, which you wouldn't be doing if you thought it was allowed. Secondly, pot is illegal in the vast, vast majority of places. In only an extremely small minority of places is it not. I would have thought that someone who professes to be as smart as you do would realise that, and understand why, this is a topic that isn't allowed to be discussed. I must be mistaken. 16:21:33 [G] [GameAdmin][VIP][Voyager] nicit6: This isn't really something that needs to be discussed 16:22:07 [G] [President][$$$$] knears2000: Pot ain't gonna kill ya 16:22:13 [G] [President][$$$$] knears2000: Cigars ain't gonna kill ya 16:22:18 [G] [President][$$$$] knears2000: In moderation that is 16:22:30 [G] [ServerOwner][VIP+][Fizz] **Physeccist: guys enough with the drugs in chat :/ 16:22:37 [G] [President][$$$$] knears2000: Cigars ain't drugs 16:22:40 [G] [ServerOwner][VIP+][Fizz] **Physeccist: only warning you'll get for that. So there's 2 warnings. I'd also like to point out that you talked after Phys' warning, so you clearly hadn't 'lagged out' by then. So yes, you did get a warning - And yes you did see it because you responded to Phys. Additionally, at this point you were obviously talking to global in general and not just to Nicit. Firstly you replied to Phys and secondly, numerous players had responded to your contentions that smoking wasn't always bad. Now.. onto 'lagging out': 16:22:48 physicistsmom issued server command: /kick knears2000 enough with the convo now 16:22:48 knears2000 lost connection: enough with the convo now 16:23:21 [G] [President][$$$$] knears2000: Lagged out 16:23:22 [G][President][$$$$] knears2000: Fill me in You didn't 'lag out' - you were kicked. Additionally, you didn't ask if you were warned. You're consistently lying and twisting the truth. So not only did you receive verbal warnings from Phys & Nicit, but you were kicked as well. Your only reaction to these were to argue back.. and you wonder why you are perceived as trolling? And then this section.. Firstly, you included a video in your appeal like that and you expect me to take it seriously? lol. Additionally, you were clearly intent on raising inappropriate topics. For example, completely out of the blue after logging on you asked: 15:59:13 [G] [President][$$$$] knears2000: How should illegal aliens be reguarded as? 15:59:28 [G] [President][$$$$] knears2000: "Undocumented Citizens" or "Illegal Immigrants"? You know exactly what you are doing. You spend your time here arguing against the rules, so you obviously understand them yet choose to ignore them. I would also like to remind you of something that you said to me a few days ago.. 17:55:09 [G] [President][$$$$] knears2000: Hmm 17:55:14 [G] [President][$$$$] knears2000: How do I put this without being banned? 17:56:46 [G] [President][$$$$] knears2000: Hmm 17:56:52 [G] [President][$$$$] knears2000: I'm still trying to figure out how to put this 17:56:54 [G] [President][$$$$] knears2000: Dewsy 17:56:57 [G] [President][$$$$] knears2000: Are you going to ban me? 17:57:31 [G] [President][$$$$] knears2000: Then why haven't I been banned for all my warnings? 17:57:37 [G] [President][$$$$] knears2000: I don't want to be banned 17:57:42 [G] [President][$$$$] knears2000: But I'm just wondering 17:57:51 [G] [Tycoon][$$$][MEOW] Epicmiti: Not severe enough, knears.. 17:58:02 [G] [President][$$$$] knears2000: There's the probelm 17:58:10 [G] [President][$$$$] knears2000: I've caused more problems than people can count 17:58:17 [G] [President][$$$$] knears2000: I think that's agreeable by all You are well aware that you push the boundaries. You do it on purpose - Your aim is to get a reaction from people. Aka. Trolling. I know that it isn't included in your ban reason from Phys, but you're lucky that it doesn't include swearing. You consistently use vulgar language. I know that you think 'that your freedom of speech is being limited' etc but you consistently have been warned for it for weeks now. You are a troll and using poor arguments such as 'I was discussing things philosophically' isn't going to convince anyone otherwise. Not to mention the fact that I'm glad you have never had anything to do with my philosophy based teaching/lectures if thats what you think philosophical arguments are. You are going to need to cut the bs out of your appeal if you want to have a chance of returning any time soon. Denied.