Minecraft Username: healy299 Reason: Minor griefing in Antiqua Counter-Reason: I have been promoted to resident recently and I can't believe I got banned! Andrewkm believes me and promoted me! I gathered my money from farming and doing jobs for other ECC members. I honestly think I deserve staying in the game and continue to help people. I don't remember anytime I griefed! BTW one time, 'szlky' put about 6 ice blocks in my house because he donated and it was really hard to get rid of! I didn't do anything wrong and I really like this server! Please let me stay? Evidence: You can ask lullibiesGC and LUCKofIRISH8 for evidence that i'm a nice person!
Healy is nice, really nice! Seriously, if you banned Healy, it would be injustice. There is a COUPLE griefers that grief tons, but never get banned....Healy isn't one of them.
Unbanned. Someone reported grief; you showed up as the griefer. Whether it was purposeful or not, do remember to check our rules. People don't like when their stuff is broken. :b