Minecraft Username: DeadlyKnives99 Reason: Stealing from donation chests Counter-Reason: I really don't have much of a reason for doing it i guess. I found a way around something and i decided to use it. I'm really sorry about doing and i will stop doing it to other chests if you let me back on the server. I will also apologize to the owner and give back all the things i stole. Sry again Evidence: n/a
Hello, Considering the severity of the issue and the fact that you were abusing a server exploit I will be making this appeal a GameAdmin+ situation. Videowiz92 being the one who banned you would be the best equipped to handle your appeal. Please wait patiently while we wait for Videowiz92 to get on and look over this appeal. Revanrose6
Taking items from a donation chest is strictly prohibited. The purpose of the donation chest is to allow users to put items in a chest and allow the lock owner to retrieve the items donated. By bypassing this feature and stealing the items in the chest, you are exploiting the feature for your benefit. I will be giving you a 3 day temp ban. Once this ban is lifted, I want you to return the items that you took from the chests. That is: Code: 16x sandstone 28x sand 106x dirt 13x smooth brick 126x smooth brick 4x sandstone stairs 2x smooth stairs 32x smooth brick 63x sandstone 24x glass 63x dirt 2x chest 52x wood stairs 146x wood 2x workbench as provided by these logs: Spoiler I will create a chest to allow you to return these items and then give perms to allow PlayerX1337 to retrieve them. You will have 1 week upon getting unbanned to return all the items I have listed to the chest or you will be banned again. I will tag both DeadlyKnives99 and PlayerX1337 so that both users are aware of the terms of this agreement. Locked & 3 day temp ban issued.