IGN: blaze12342 Reason of Ban: Alleged Hacking in ST Rule Violated: In reality, none. Explain in your own words what the rule entails: The rule that I'm accused of breaking, can be summed up in 2 obvious words, don't cheat. Reason you feel you should be unbanned: For a start, I didn't do anything, second, the player that reported me, has a long list of people he has tried to ban, he calls for ban every time something doesn't go his way. PS. If you still feel as though I have broken the rules, I would like to be unbanned long enough to repay my debts, and take off my locks on doors and chests. Thank you for your time.
The reported video that got you banned clearly shows you using a hacked client. It is impossible to jump that way without it. I cannot accept this appeal as there is no truth in it. Please appeal again once you are ready to be honest. Locked/Denied