Ban Appeal Atomicardvark (Re-Revised)

Discussion in 'Ban Appeal Archive' started by Atomicardvark, Feb 4, 2012.

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  1. Atomicardvark

    Atomicardvark Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Jan 22, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: Atomicardvark

    Reason: Grief farm in Birchtown.

    C-Reason: I have been a resident of Birchtown sence January and have helped with projects like the mall/bank.
    Qualliza1997 (the mayor) and I are building a new home right next to the farm. Earliar that day i had talked to the owner of the farm (i cant remember his IGN). I told him i wanted to start a farm for me and Qualizza1997 under our house and he said "I can place water for a cheap price" and I said "Great" I had everything but wheat. I realized that he had some wheat on his roof. He was not on at the time and I was gonna pay him 50 eco dollars when he got back on. But he never got back on and Sios said "User: Atomicardvark" and i got disconected and have been off ever sence.

    Extra Info:I still have the wheat seed

    I hope this shows the effort you were looking for Andrew and I think ECC is a great server (1 of the best i have played)
    and i hope you will unbann me. -Atomicardvark
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