Hello, I was farming a monster spawner in mining world for all night (i'm EU), then I decided to build a water elevator to make the skeleons fall and make it easier for me to kill them. (after asking a mod if it was authorised). For this I bough supporter pack /back & water ! When I was building my elevator, a 100% closed 1block wide tunel, I had to /home, fill water bucket, /back. But then I tp'd back right into the spawner room (i've never even been inside once before that). As I had 7s cooldown before /home, I died. I managed to get my stuff back using /back (it was funky time !) but I lost 57 level ... I can read in the info said just before buying /back feature that "then /back to return to your exact last location." As in this case it wasn't my exact location (I swear it and may be I ban if I lie !), could I get those level back ? Regards,
So, you where mob grinding, You went back to your home used the "/back" command and ended up in the actual spawner? Perhaps you glitched through the block, it has happened to me before.
No, I ended up in the spawner room (full of skeleton), not the spawner block. But i've never been in the room before, I guess glitched through a wall because I /home when I was in water pushing me against the wall (just putted a water bucket in front of me). I posted the message just after it happened, 57 was my highest lvl ever so I was very sad. Now that time have passed I understand it must be impossible to check for admins and, being myself an admin on another game big server, I know and agree "trust" isn't enough to take decision. I'm pretty sure i'll have to earn those lvl again ^^ Anyway I leave the post so people think about it, do not /home /back when you have water pushing you against a wall close to something dangerous
Because it was generated by map. While mining random I arrived to a place where water was already bringing down monster from spawner, really generated on purpose, there was even a [Disposal] sign placed and some empty safes there. So I just had to modify the part where monster were arriving, and I never tried to access the spawner room !
I know when teleporting, the teleport does a few checks to make sure you won't be blatantly in harms way - it'll avoid placing you in lava, water, the air, etc if it can. Seeing as you've said that you'd placed water on/near the block you were on, when /back looked for the nearest "safe" location, it found a block in the spawner room (it doesn't check for mobs).