Auction for 64 diamond and 64 iron after

Discussion in 'Classifieds & Ads' started by maskofshadows23, Jun 18, 2011.

  1. maskofshadows23

    there will be 64 diamonds being put on auction in 6 hours or at 930 eastern standard time
    be online to have your shot at the auction
    rember 64 diamonds will be at stake here so bring your money and get on in 6 hours. :D

    Also there might be a 64 iron ingot auction after words!!!

    minimum bid starts at 1000$

    Dont increase bid by 1 :roll:

    minimum RAISE for bids is 50$
    ty :p
  2. maskofshadows23

    andy plz dont have your 128 diamond auction today plz
  3. Starbolt79

    Starbolt79 Guest

  4. maskofshadows23

    for the past 2 days andy has been hosting 2 stack of diamonds bids but SOON there will too many diamonds in the server IF he continues to do that the price of diamond will go down so i am having my own auction for diamonds so he dosent do his i hope.

    plz answer me andy thank you :D
  5. Starbolt79

    Starbolt79 Guest

  6. Rezonl

    Rezonl Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 12, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    I wouldnt auction 64 diamonds, maybe split them into 4 different auctions O;
  7. maskofshadows23

    no cause andy sold 2 stacks for 18.5 k and the next day same this for 12.8k

    so i can auction off 1 stack and prolly get 6.8k - 9k for them

    Auction starting in 30 min
  8. maskofshadows23

    bidding went well having another 1 tommarow