Thread title: Skipping Auction Queue Minecraft Username: @xpurexcorex Brief Description: when 1-4 people are waiting for their item to go into auction, whoever is currently running one has the ability to instantly start a new auction right after theirs has ended without going in line for the queue Instructions: 1. start the auction, 2. when the auction ends, exactly start another before it even goes to the next person in queue 3. it auto-skips the people in the auction queue How many times did you recreate this?: oh I have done it several times, its something that some people may not be aware of them doing it because the second your auction ends and you start the next one, you don't really know there is a queue waiting Result: everyone who is in auction queue has to wait until the 1st person is done with spamming the auction Expected Result: for it to put you in line on the queue and not skip everyone else. Evidence: Any screenshots/videos that can be used to show us as to what happens. Optional, but recommended.
@JamieSinn is looking into the auction system to see what we can do as it’s pretty clear auctions are really popular on SkyBlock.
Reference: That bug has existed since 2015 and I believe there are at least two other reports from 2016 I can't find right now.
Starting an auction is now on a 5 minute cooldown. Prevents users spamming garbage, jumping in queue due to bugs, and helps clean the channel up.