All members of Welch are being removed If you want to keep your perms comment below or /mail miniclh me in game. Why are we doing this? Most of you in the town are inactive and your plots can be re-used. I will tag you all below. _MegaBilder_ Alarah averagejoe2012 Buckeyegecko David_Torento Delucaco eben48 Evanj421 GLORIOUSTACO69 Grafter321 Joliver1998 jvhosmuffin koko_2022 lapkingkn lionheart2001 Lord_Poring_III newoo101 @nukeman111 PJblocker123 pure_legacy revanrose6 SolaceDevotio xamagodx Please comment below as we would like to keep you!
er.... I didn't know I had perms here haha. I don't think I own a plot, you can definitely remove me. But I wonder why I had perms.... hm.
I guess this can be locked as no-one else on the list that has not requested does not own a plot or anything in the town. If you do however (I've checked twice and shure the isn't anyone) but in the event of having something then /mail send miniclh in game. Mod Please Lock. Rough mods to lock it: Delucaco or Nicodemux or sick24 Thanks