username:icecream0886 ban reason: for spaming counter reason: I kept asking if i could play on a server and then i got baned i feel very sry to take up your time and to be like that evidence i got one pearson to say stop so i stoped but a admin baned me i have spent alot of time thinking what i did i feel very bad i love that server so much it was the only thing i did on my conputer thank you so much
Please confirm your IGN. The forum account applying for a ban appeal MUST match the IGN applying for the appeal.
Account name changed to match IGN. When you are advised by someone to stop, it most likely means you are breaking the rules. Apparently you didn't take that advice and it resulted in where you are now. I'll be giving you a 4 hour temp ban. Take this time to review and understand our server rules and ensure this does not happen again. 4 hour temp ban.