Username - djkickass13 reason - minor grief in breaadland counter reason - i djkickass13 am sorry for griefing and i will pay for any damage or anything missing and i promise not to ever do it again i love this server i put alot of my time in to it and i owuld love to be back on here evdence dont haveany except for the town destrution that i will pay for sncerly djkickass13
Hello, First and foremost the rule broken: Now this appears to be your first offense on the server ever so I will be lenient on you. You probably haven't read the server rules yet, so I am giving you a 30 minute tempban to read the rules located here: Upon finishing reading the rules and your tempban expiring please feel free to rejoin ECC. I would like to caution you that repeat offenders are punished more severely so I would suggest you avoid breaking anymore rules. Revanrose6 Player Given 30 minute Tempban