Minecraft Username:OGzCheetos Reason:http://gyazo.com/2a3022f7079280e55fcaf082b5c3b628 Counter-Reason:I Did Spam And Did Not listen To Staff Requests, I Am Sorry For Doing So, Zardgyer I Am Very Sorry For Not Listening To Your Requests. I Did Also Double Post, I Am Sorry And i Hope I Can Play On ECC Again. Thansk Evidence:N/A
To ensure that I know you are aware of the rule you broke, I would like you to find it on the Wiki, then copy and paste it here. These are the rules you were required to know as part of your Resident application.
Clause I.ii: Spam Spam is not allowed. Repetitive letters, words, symbols that are not punctuation and otherwise aren't used in their correct context, or many messages sent really quick is considered spam. If users get upset and say "spam," it is probably annoying. Clause II: Trade Channel This channel is used for trades and server related advertising. Advertisements in this channel must be no longer than 2 unique messages at a time, and may be posted no more often than 3-5 minutes apart should they need to be repeated. If chat is slow, the increments between these repeated advertisements need to be longer. All spam rules are in effect for the trade channel, just like every other channel. There is, however, to be no auctions in this channel as it is a channel that every user is forced to be in. You are able to announce an auction in this channel, and afterwards take it to the auction channel to proceed with your auction. All items sold in trade must be EcoCityCraft related.
Thank you for appealing. I see that this is your third time back here for disregarding our server rules. Our rules are set for reason. We like to ensure that everyone on ECC is having a good time and disregarding these rules can cause others to not be able to enjoy themselves here. Seeing spam in the trade channel is quite aggravating to others and it locks up the chat channels causing others to not be able to communicate as well. Because this is your third time back here I will be issuing you a 1 day temp ban. I would like you to go over all of our rules once again to ensure no issues with them in the future. Please take heed and follow our rules when your temp ban is lifted or it will result in a longer ban. Server Rules: http://www.ecocitycraft.com/wiki/index.php?title=Server_Rules Temp banned for 1 day