Minecraft Username monsterwarrior88 Reason advertising another sever Counter-Reason im am very sorry i will never advertise another server, it was a stpuid mistake and i promise it will never happen again i will also me more watchful of who use my computer, im sorry and i love this server i hope to be able to rejoin.
Hello, First of all your ban was for breaking the following rule: Advertising is one of our more severely punished crimes. We do not tolerate it as I'm sure you know. Due to the length of your banning and the fact this appears to be your first crime I will simply be giving you a 3o minute tempban. During your tempban I request you read over the server rules in their entirety here: http://www.ecocitycraft.com/wiki/index.php?title=Server_Rules Revanrose6 Player Given 30minute Tempban