Me, Templar_Silva and kyocobra yesterday made racing course under Antville, it is very fun to play, so we thought we could make competitions! Prizes: 1st place: 32 diamonds+secret prize or 16 diamonds+2000$+secret prize 2nd place: 8 diamonds or 500$ 3rd place:2 diamonds or 100$ All users who survived get name on Hall of fame. NOTE:Secret prize is always worth at least 1500$, and every race other prize is secret. NOTE: If noone or less then 3 people survive (yes, you can die in race) only they get prizes (or noone). How this work: 1.You must apply on forum (app below). If you are in game when race is about to start we will call you. We need at least 6 lifes in every race (2+ players). You don't have to play that time if you don't want to. 2.To enter you need buy Life. Prices of lifes: Spoiler 1 life: 1000$ 2 life: 2500$ 3 life: 4000$ 4 life: 6000$ 5 life: 7500$ Once we have 6 lifes in we will start race. 3. You must finish course. It takes 1-5 min to finish race depending on you skill, potions you use and enemies . If you die during game you can use next life, but you must start from start (race won't stop or anything). You still have chance because people can die in any part of game. If you have any lifes left you can use then in next race. Rules: 1. Potions that make damage/heal you/give you ability to survive when you shouldn't are forbidden, but you can use other kinds of potion. 2. You can use only cake/apple/melons/bread to heal you. 3. You can use snowballs. 4. You can push players off. Screenshots: coming soon App. if you want enter: Code: What is your IGN: How much lifes you want buy: You read rules: More coming soon I will edit this post tomorrow, with more info because I must go now.