Minecraft Name: Erro_syn Suggestion: Use of Backpack plugin Reason: Players will have more room for items and also to support ECC Any Other Information: I would suggest making it similar to multihome, have 9 slots for the first purchase and increase by 9 every purchase after that, that way the user will be able to purchase as many as they would like to use (you may need to tweek the plugins a little, i'm not ure if they are 1.7.x compatable yet) Link To This Plugin: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/backpack/ Similar Plugin: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/simplebackpacks/ , http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/back-packs/
It has been suggested and denied countless times but I always give it a +1 If you have ExtCommands / + (not sure + or not) you can use /eec and access your enderchest at anytime.
this wouldn't be an enderchest, this would be a donation feature that can be upgradable from 9 extra slots all the way to 54 extra slots, it shows up as an item in your inventory and cannot be placed or cleared from your inventory... all it does is add more slots for donators who purchase it for its beneficial slots. the /eec command wouldnt be replaced atall and would still be in the extcommands+ donation.