A Proper Definition for "Spam"

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by WolvieD2GMark, Oct 16, 2011.

  1. WolvieD2GMark

    WolvieD2GMark Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Oct 3, 2011
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    Can we please get all moderators on-board for what "Spam" means, Lately I've noticed moderators kicking users for sending a lot of messages because they type fast. Whereas i see users who spam the same message 5 times as some form of a macro to inform users about there shops getting away with no punishment.

    Spam IS the repetitive use of a message being spammed
    Spam IS the repetitive use of a message being spammed
    Spam IS the repetitive use of a message being spammed
    Spam IS the repetitive use of a message being spammed
    Spam IS the repetitive use of a message being spammed

    For Example ^_^.

    Not several messages being sent in sequence with variants of information in them...


    Definition 1 : Send the same message indiscriminately to (large numbers of recipients) on the Internet.

    Definition 2 : Irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the Internet to a large number of recipients
  2. Sputnick587

    Sputnick587 Builder
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    May 23, 2011
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    I have noticed this alot, As I have been warned for doing things like: Dude WTF
    Why did you steal that?
    Gimme my bricks!
    Of course, I see where they are coming from by calling it spam, But as you mentioned some people just have macros and don't even get a warning.
  3. MsMoofin

    MsMoofin (Don't) Paddle (the) Cow
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 16, 2011
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    I can send messages
    like this and it would be
    considered spam

    However, I could type one message like this; in one line (or two if it bumps down), and it's fine.

    I haven't been in-game recently, so I don't know what's been happening exactly, but spam isn't only the same message repeated several times. It's also when you are saying something (usually unimportant or casual talk, playing around, whatever...) in several messages, when it could and should be said in one message.

    Spamming is anything that takes up space in chat quickly. Fast typers and sloow typers alike are at fault for sending many messages at once. :/

    edit: I would like to add, though, that moderators seem to all be on different terms with things like spam. I've seen some moderators warn for the tiniest, tiniest thing, whereas others don't. I've also seen moderators only warn certain people, rather than others. Most of my time in-game is spent only watching chat, so it isn't just me "popping in half-way between convos" or anything. :/
  4. Sios

    Sios Builder
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    Jul 19, 2011
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    Each Moderator interprets the rules different as well as how "spam" goes. I have however, spoken to some and we have our own definition for what is to be considered spam and what isn't.

    For me, SPAM stands of "Senseless Pointless Annoying Messages" - If I see a user abusing SPAM, I will act accordingly.

    So far, in regards to "macros" - I have labelled that as spam and have spoken to users who have done that. Macros are another form of spam in the sense that it becomes "annoying messages."

    Also - if users see other users, especially staff, use this method to convey their messages without being penalized - We're talking about a server-wide use of macros that will ultimately spam out chat.

    Leeway for one = leeway for all. This is why macros = spam [for me.]
  5. Rezonl

    Rezonl Builder
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    Apr 12, 2011
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    I consider : wraerwefawefawefawef
