The EcoCity Hockey League is officially back and ready to start up again! I apologize for the lateness of this thread, I've been up to my ears with work and school and college application stuff. Just as an FYI, there have been a few changes to the registration form and some rules, so current teams will have to re-register. I am also adding a 5k registration fee (sorry) which will go towards the final reward of 50k at the end of the season for the season champions. I'd take it out of my own pocket but I'm worth less than a sack of dirt. Current team owners: @chargers2417 @TheHolyStick22 @appleprocucling @jrg5978 and @jetfan16ladd You all will need to tag your current team members in the comments and re-register with the new application if you wish to compete this season. Team Registration Application IGN: Rank: Town Name: World Name (Rising or Legacy): Team Nickname: Team Primary Color: Team Secondary Color: Team Roster (must be between 6-10 players): What Time Zone are you and most of your players in?: What day of the week will work best for you and your team?: What time of day will work best for your team?: Do you have a location to host games?: Can you supply your own horse?: Do you understand the rules?: Do you already have a team registered and if so which team?: I'm also looking to create a League Board of Directors who will act as officials in case there is nobody available, help create schedules, record games, and settle conflicts. If you are interested, please forum pm me, I'm looking for about 4-5 more people as it is currently just Chargers and I running the show. League Rules In Case Anyone's Wondering As stated, lineups will consist of two players, teams may have up to ten players on their roster, players cannot play for multiple teams. Owners may play for any of the teams they register. Teams may play only one player per game if no other players are present. Games may be played 1v1, however if no players from a team are present, the team will have to forfeit Playing arenas must be made of ice (exception: wool or stained clay may be used on the surface to indicate lines and zones) and be approximately 47x23 blocks. An example can be found here: Teams must supply their own horse, which may have a unique name. Teams are responsible for their horse. The home team is responsible for supplying horses at games. If the home team fails to supply a horse, they will be forced to forfeit. Players cannot saddle or lead a horse (Duh). Players cannot mount horses during games as it will cause the horse to stop its motion and not be affected by outside pushing. Only the referee may mount a horse to stop play. Games will be considered complete when a team scores three goals on their respective goal There are no face-offs after goals, only at the beginning of play. After a goal is scored, the defense then gets possession. The horse is not considered to be in play after a goal until it crosses into the neutral zone (the blue lines). Goals are scored by pushing the official horse/donkey into goals. Goals will be redstone wired with lamps that will light when a horse has entered the goal. Teams must have different uniforms made of colored leather tunics and pants. Home teams will wear primary colored tunics and secondary colored pants, visiting teams will wear white tunics and primary colored pants. There are no alternate uniforms and no "throwback" uniforms. Teams may have uniform helmets and boots, as long as they are either the team's primary or secondary colors, if they so choose. Substitutions can be made in-game if a player has to leave. The substitute must be a registered member on the team's roster and have the proper uniforms ready. No teams may have more than two players on the ice at a time. Teams will be created based on their town (not nation). A team's home ice must be in the town specified. Presidents+ may register teams for as many towns as they own. Mayors may only register one team. Any rank can play If enough teams register, two divisions will be made (Rising Division & Legacy Division). These divisions are not pertinent on where a team resides as teams from Legacy may play in the Rising Division and vice versa. Each team will play each other at least once during the scheduled regular season. Playoffs will be held to crown a champion after the regular season ends. Not sure about you guys, but I'm ready to get this season started!
Current Teams La Ciudad Disco Ninjas Owner: Steveshizzle Players: Steve, @roborule, Looking for 4 more players Wadsworth Grizzlies Owner: @captainwow12 Players: Captainwow, @Evanj421, @skymaster200, Looking for 3 more players
Sorry I must end my team for the time being as I might be selling my town. However I would like to help with being an official and helping organize with anything.
IGN: captainwow12 Rank: President Town Name: Wadsworth World Name (Rising or Legacy): Rising Team Nickname: Grizzlies Team Primary Color: Red Team Secondary Color: White Team Roster (must be between 6-10 players): @captainwow12 @Evanj421 @skymaster200 More are going to be added in the next week. What Time Zone are you and most of your players in?: Eastern Time Zone and Pacific Time Zone. What day of the week will work best for you and your team?:Most weekdays, Except Fridays Usually. What time of day will work best for your team?: 7:30 pm est Do you have a location to host games?:Yes also a practice arena. Can you supply your own horse?:Yes Do you understand the rules?:Yes Do you already have a team registered and if so which team?:No
IGN: Steveshizzle Rank: President Town Name: La_Ciudad World Name (Rising or Legacy): Legacy Team Nickname: Disco Ninjas (Good upgrade don't you think?) Team Primary Color: Lime Team Secondary Color: Black Team Roster (must be between 6-10 players): Myself, @matthew_gruber @roborule @Zylo31 @Coolslammer3 What Time Zone are you and most of your players in?: I am in MDT, awaiting responses from remaining team members What day of the week will work best for you and your team?: Monday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday for me, awaiting other responses What time of day will work best for your team?: 7pm EST Monday & Friday, Noon EST Saturday & Sunday for me, awaiting other responses Do you have a location to host games?: I have the best location JS Can you supply your own horse?: Yes. His name is Jeffrey Do you understand the rules?: I made the rules Do you already have a team registered and if so which team?: Nerp
Gonna be hard to have a season if nobody registers... @chargers2417 @TheHolyStick22 @appleprocucling @jrg5978
looks like the league is going well i have not played for a bit so the winner will become owner of shrinktown if 6 teams join
I volunteer my time to make a schedule and handle playoff schedule. If u need my help just pm me ingame or reply to this.
IGN: Appleprocucling Rank: EcoLeader Town Name: FoixSouth World Name (Rising or Legacy): Legacy Team Nickname: TeamFoix Team Primary Color: Red Team Secondary Color: Yellow Team Roster (must be between 6-10 players): @appleprocucling @minecraftninja05 @nitrolaser17 @7airlinepilot & @Redmonkey1313 What Time Zone are you and most of your players in?: GMT -5 (New York) What day of the week will work best for you and your team?: Updating Soon What time of day will work best for your team?: Updating Soon Do you have a location to host games?: Yes Can you supply your own horse?: Yes Do you understand the rules?: Yes Do you already have a team registered and if so which team?: No