Welcome to the Diamond Glow Casino PM 756airplane for a TP Come to the Diamond Glow Casino where Dreams come.... Agh I'm not into the happy stuff so lets cut to the chase 1. Pm 756airplane for a Tp 2. No stealing, griefing, or talking rude about the Casino 3. Be Happy do not swear at staff members Staff list here: http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/756s-diamondglow-casino-staff-list.114911/ 4. Be smart (use common sense) in other words don't ask if you can swear at people at the casino 5. Every 2k you spend adds a 10% bonus to all wins, they stack so, lets say you spend 4k ,you now get a 20% bonus on all wins. 6. Do /warp officetown to get to the casino 6. Thats about it Vote Yes so we can be the Best