Hello there enchanters, blacksmiths, storage war hosts, and ECC civilians alike! I've got a bunch of ebooks I need to get rid of in bulk! This nearly-full double chest is selling at $16000, and contains the following books: SWORD: Sharpness I x2 Sharpness II Looting I Looting II x3 Looting III Bane of Arthropods I Bane of Arthropods III Bane of Arthropods IV x2 Bane of Arthropods V Smite I Smite III Smite V Knockback I x4 BOW: Punch I HAT: Aqua Affinity I x2 Respiration I Respiration III x2 BOOTS: Feather Falling I x2 Feather Falling II x2 ARMOR: Protection I Protection II Projectile Protection III x2 Fire Protection IV Blast Protection I x2 Blast Protection II x2 Blast Protection III Blast Protection IV Thorns II MISC: Unbreaking I Efficiency IV Fortune I Contact me ingame or on forums! Only selling entire set!