The farm is in Koala town 2 functional floors 2 that need water and plants and room to build higher up (no height limit.) First floor has 6 rows of pumpkin second has 5 rows pumpkin and 1 melon.. this farm made me enough money to get res but now i'm bored of farming. If your interested fill the following out and ill get back to you shortly. IGN: Do you have the amount available? Do you understand that any griefing of the town will result in a removal from Koala without a refund?
Re: 30x30 Farm for sale $13k I would buy it but 13k is a little steep. Also does Koala town have a town portal?
Re: 30x30 Farm for sale $13k Okay then I would like to negotiate. What is the absolute lowest you can go?
Re: 30x30 Farm for sale $13k absolute lowest would be 5k but i have to make a profit.. make an offer and ill counteroffer