Hi! I won giveaways once, and want to make one of my own! Application; IGN: Why you should receive the money: Why the person above you receive the money: Be nice! Good luck! Contest ends TBA
Bluebo_ I would like to receive the money so I can pay of my loan I am currently still in debt to, and so I can sooner finish up my town’s farm and entertainments (casino, etc.). Lambie should receive the money because she is... doing a giveaway..?
Application; IGN: Enzonium Why you should receive the money: I should receive the money so that I may hire a builder to do farm work. Why the person above you receive the money: Because he needs to pay off his debt. Be nice! Good luck! Contest ends TBA
IGN: Capbo_ Why you should receive the money: I’m good at sg Why the person above you receive the money: he’s nice
IGN: KingCharlie9 Why you should receive the money: I think I should receive the money because it will go towards my Water+ debt. Using WaterPlus I'll give out free services to people who need it and I am currently using it to build something beautiful and massive that all of the server will enjoy hopefully. I believe everyone should have a shot at the money, but these are my reasons why Why the person above you receive the money: Because he took the time to fill in the application and he has been a very active forum member. I want to wish everyone good luck in this giveaway, and whatever you use the money for, I hope it helps if I do not win. Good luck to you all
IGN: Ryanbo_ Why you should receive the money: Because I am currently in 2.8m debt also, I made you that forum signature that one time Why the person above you receive the money: Because he also has some debt and I feel you lol
IGN: Frostystorm1 Why you should receive the money: I would use it to buy another head for our head museum Why the person above you receive the money: It says it in his username
IGN: @stigarose Why you should receive the money: I probably shouldn't Why the person above you receive the money: because @Frostystorm1 is a "cool" dude...get it...frosty....cool...ha...you should be laughing...why aren't you laughing? LAUGH! Thank you. That's better.
Application; IGN: @albiz Why you should receive the money: Because I want a star tool. Why the person above you receive the money: Because stiga is cool and has always been kind to me and deserves it
IGN: Redpandapenguin Why you should receive the money: I would use the money to help develop my town. Why the person above you receive the money: Because they have been looking to get a star tool for a while and they seem nice.
IGN: MarshmallowDerp Why you should receive the money: So that I can give more free plots in one of my towns + building/starter stuff to people I invite to ECC also to pay my debt off Why the person above you receive the money: Because he wants to build a town as well, also I like his profile pic.
IGN: RCCHGaming123 Why you should receive the money: I need cash for town development + star tool collection funds = awesome Why the person above you receive the money: He needs to pay off his debt.
IGN: green_tiger77 Why you should receive the money: I need money for president and would gladly accept this. Why the person above you receive the money: He needs money for expanding and star tools. He needs more money than I do and would have no grudges if he won. Also good luck to all!
ion:kenziieeee I think I should receive the money because I'm making a friendly town for everyone!! I think the person above should win because he/she wants president good luck to everyone
IGN:Erembo_ I think I should get this money because i have quite alot of debt to pay off. Kenz you win because there will be a friendly town!
Hi there, IGN: PvPMaster911 I think I should receive the giveaway money because I’m in deep debt at the moment and need to pay it off soon. With this debt, I’m unable to put sufficient funds towards my city (Dark_Springs) to offer services to my citizens. (Farm Expansion, Add City Buildings, Shops, etc) The person above me should receive the bonus because of his generosity towards other in-game and needs to pay off his debt.
Runner Ups: @green_tiger77 @PvPMaster911 @kenziieeee Congrats to @MarshmallowDerp for winning! Please sign the contract stated down below, and then this thread will be locked. I, @MarshmallowDerp , will use the money intended as I said so in my application. Failure to do so will result in a $20,000 fine. I agree to the terms stated above. After that, I’ll give you the money! See you all soon!! (@Ozzyblack21 or any other mods please lock once Marshmellow agrees)
Wha... I won? Yay! I, @MarshmallowDerp , will use the money intended as I said so in my application. Failure to do so will result in a $20,000 fine. I agree to the terms stated above. Also congrats to all participants because all of your applications were great!