Hello all,
Since 1.13 is an absolutely monstrous update, there will have to be changes on ECC to accommodate for it.
Current status
Currently, we've got all our custom plugins staged and ready to be tested on 1.13-pre7. This took over 3k lines of code, and an absolutely immense amount of time to change the logic around. This means that when all the other plugins we use are updated, we can start testing and experimenting with what needs to be patched.
Spigot recommends that servers wait for all their plugins to update before launching production:
Because of the volatility of this update, I've had to feature and bug lock the entire network until 1.13 is launched. The reason behind this is that developing two separate versions, and then merging them together when 1.13 is launched is immense work. It's simply not worth the amount of time it'd require.
With that status update out of the way. Now onto the meat and potatoes.
Features/Systems Removed
Since 1.13 completely removes the "item id" system in minecraft, there unfortunately has been a few casualties.
SG has too much of a codebase dependant on the old system to be updated. The amount of work spent on the rest of the plugins is about half the amount of work needed for SG if it were to be updated.
SG, come 1.13 will be removed from the main server.
Now, before everyone panics. Your kits that you bought will be transferred into KitPVP in some way. We don't know how yet, but they will be compensated in some form.
Trade signs are the next casualty, but only partially. As announced here: https://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/trade-signs-1-13-get-prepared.176598/
- trade signs which use numeric item ID's will be lost. We have announced this long ago, and we cannot provide any compensation for lost trade sign contents, whether it be money, or it be items.
Please see the linked thread for more information. I highly recommend you go through your trade signs thoroughly.
Backpack is also removed on 1.13 - as per this thread: https://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/...in-server-warning-regarding-backpacks.176955/
Please take note of what you have in your backpack, and move it over to a secure location.
Features/Systems Added
1.13 is the Aquatic update, and so it is adding a whackton of mobs and new blocks added in the ocean biomes. As per usual with new block updates, we'll be leaving the main worlds as they are on main, and having the mining world regenerate.
This means that the mining world is the only world where you can get the new blocks throughout the entire server!
Skyblock will not have a resource world, so time to revisit main if you want to use those new blocks in a build!
Now, here comes the scary part.
We don't know how 1.13 will work with ANY world that we have, on ANY server.
The team working on Spigot has advised server owners that there is a MAJOR risk involved in upgrading worlds.
This means that we may have a very, very complex upgrade process. Rest assured we have multiple backups of all servers dating back years.
I'll update this thread whenever we have more information. If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me on the forums. I read all PM's sent to me, and I try to reply to all of them.
Discussion in 'News, Announcements & Server Information' started by JamieSinn, Jul 20, 2018.